Sunday, May 18, 2014

Session mode basics

In this tutorial, you will learn the session mode basics.

To start, create as many Audio tracks as you want. You can do this by pressing (Ctrl + T) or (Cmd + T).

The red "rectangle" represents the buttons in the launchpad, being a 8X8 square. You can move this rectange using the top 4 left buttons on your launchpad (the ones with arrows).

Drag a song or sample from explorer or iTunes to any of the squares in the audio tracks. If the audio file doesn't go it is probably because it is on unsupported format (you can use iTunes to convert it to WAV).

Once you're done importing your samples, its time to play them in the launchpad. Make sure to leave at least a empty space in each audio track.

Now you probably noticed that the light of the buttons that have samples are turned on. To play them, press the desired sample (1). To stop a sample, press any empty button on the same audio track (2). To launch a row of samples simultaneously, press the side arrows of the desired row (3).

Now you know the basics of session mode!
Here is a video on how to do it:

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