Sunday, May 18, 2014

Creating more than a drum rack (switching pages)

If you have watched Nev's videos you probably noticed that he uses the side buttons to change between drum racks.
In this tutorial you will learn how to do this.

First, create a drum rack (or select yours if it already exists) and press (Ctrl + G) or (Cmd + G) to group it.

Now click the middle button on the left side.

After that, drag a new drum rack (or more than one) to this area:

Then Select "Chain" and move the square of each drum rack, keeping them in different chains.

Now press (Ctrl + M) or (Cmd + M) to open the MIDI mapper, or simply click on this icon on the right upper corner:

Click on the chains bar and press the first and last buttons in the row that you want to map to change the "Pages".

Now you will see in the left side the mapping. Change the max vaule from 127 to the number of drum racks that you created (including 0). In this case I created 4 drum racks, so I'll put 3, having the numbers [0,1,2,3].

Press (Ctrl + M) or (Cmd + M) again to close the MIDI mapper, or click on this icon on the right upper corner:

Done! Now when you press the desired side button you will switch the current drum rack!